Where one of the two adjoining properties is vacant land, the minimum front setback of the proposed dwelling can be the same distance as its established neighbour
a = b
or 9m, Whichever is the lesser
a = 9m
Where both adjoining properties are vacant land, the minimum front setback of the proposed dwelling is 6m for streets in a Transport Zone 2 and 4m for others streets
Visit: https://mapshare.vic.gov.au/vicplan/
To find which Transport Zone applies
Enter address, click ‘layers’ and tick ‘Principal Road Network’ under Transport. Transport zone will appear in the centre of the road
The minimum front setback along Naomi Road can be the same distance as the adjoining site or 9m, whichever is lesser:
The minimum front setback along Page Avenue can be the same distance as the adjoining site or 2m, whichever is the lesser.