Planning Processing

Pre-Application Meeting

Optional however an excellent way to start! This provides us with an opportunity to present your application to one of Council’s planning officers and gauge their support allowing for early amendmenmts if required.

Lodgement of Application

Submitting all the required information at a high standard is the trick here to avoid delays in the assessment.

Preliminary Assessment

The assessment begins. Any required referrals to relevant authority(s) internally and/or externally for their review are made. Council will respond within 28 days:

Request for further information

This can be avoided with steps 1 and 2

We recieve an email listing any missing items Council requires to complete their assessment and occassionally intial concerns are raised. We’ll be given 28 days to respond.


Not always required. If your application can impact another person, it will need to be advertised for a period of 14 days giving any person an opportunity to view our proposal and lodge an objection.

Detailed Assessment

Delegation report covering the assessment, the planning merits of objections received and comments from referral authorities.

Permit granted

Notice of Refusal Council proposes to refuce your application you are given 28 days to make an appeal

Notice of Decision Council proposes to approve our application Objectors have 28 days to make an appeal

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